1. Pipedream to reality as QGC (BG) Group gets first windfall from CSG http://www.couriermail.com.au/business/pipedream-to-reality-as-bg-group-gets-first-windfall-from-csg/story-fnihsps3-1227151848048?nk=b5dc8f9d215904d3dec10764f0ed06f0
2. APA Group pays $5bn for BG Group’s QCLNG pipelineASX-listed gas infrastructure giant APA Group has purchased the Queensland Curtis liquefied natural gas (QCLNG) pipeline from the BG Group for $5-billion
3. McElroy Celebrates 60 Years in Thermoplastic Pipe Welding
4. New Specialised Butt Welders on the Block
5. McElroy Launched Hydraulically Adjustable Pipe Stand for HDPE Welding
6. ExcelPlas Labs Ensures Rigorous Quality Testing
A fundamental element of dependable, high quality poly pipe welding is rigorous quality testing. This testing is particularly important when the welding in question involves large diameter CSG gas or water pipes because the stakes are especially high in the CSG area.
It is crucial that any weak or failure-prone pipe welds be detected and weeded out before they are installed. Failure to detect faulty pipes can have severe operational and economic consequences in the future.
Since these HDPE pipes are generally welded in the field there is little control over the work environment, including the potential for bad weather or other environmental factors to affect the weld integrity. Fundamentally pipe testing will ensure that the pipe welds are high quality and reliable, that the pipe will not leak, and that it can withstand the pressure requirements that will be placed upon it.
Common testing includes the following:Butt Fusion Tensile Testing to ISO 13953 Electrofusion Peel Decohesion Testing to ISO 13954
Rigorous quality pipe testing is important for several key reasons including the following:
• Safety – The most important reason for rigorous pipe testing is safety. Pipe failure could cause dangerous accidents.
• Regulations – Pipe testing is also crucial to stay in compliance with governmental regulation. The Queensland Government has set industry safety standards which include requirements for inspection and testing of pipe welds, non-destructive testing, and repair and removal of defects.
• Economy – Pipe failure is extremely expensive. It results in lost product and cessation of production while the pipeline is repaired. A pipe failure may also result in costly cleanup and waste remediation.